
Door identifiers and timers

Door #“ALL” ListDescriptionTime to Alarm
in Minutes
1B1 MAIN ENTRYMain lobby entrance to building1
2B1 FIRE EAST DRStairwell entrance from the east outside1
3B1 FIRE WEST DRStairwell entrance from the west outside1
4B1 VIS INTERCOMVisitor parking door beside the enterphone callbox1
5B1 EXTERIOR OHDOutside garage door2
6B1 RAMP DRMan door beside the outside garage door1
7B1 INTERIOR OHDInside overhead garage door2
8B1 LOBBY NORTHDoor into north side of residents’ parkade1
9B1 LOBBY SOUTHDoor into south side of residents’ parkade1
10B1 PK FE WESTDoor beside basement bicycle room 1
11ACTCNT FRNTEntrance to Recreation Area
(hours 6:40 am – 11:00 pm)
12ACRCNT REARDoor to Recreation Area patio
20B2 MAIN ENTRYMain lobby entrance to building1
21B2 FIRE EAST DRStairwell entrance from the east outside1
22B2 FIRE WEST DRStairwell entrance from the west outside1
23B2 VIS INTERCOMVisitor parking door beside the enterphone callbox1
24B2 EXTERIOR OHDOutside garage door2
25B2 RAMP DRMan door beside the outside garage door1
26B2 INTERIOR OHDInside sliding garage door2
27B2LOBBY NORTHDoor into north side of residents’ parkade1
28B2 LOBBY SOUTHDoor into south side of residents’ parkade1
29B2 PK VIS SOUDoor at south side of visitor parking1