Your first point of contact is:

Paula Johnson
(250) 860-1411


Is the person trespassing just looking for a shortcut or are they showing signs of distress?

If the person appears in distress, call 911 for an ambulance.

If the person is just looking for a shortcut, tell them they are on private property and ask them to leave. Be as polite as possible. Do not engage in a confrontation with them. If you feel threatened in any way, leave the area and call 911 for police assistance.

People may lose a fob or need additional fobs for family members. Please send an email or phone to request a new fob to our Strata Property Manager. If you’ve lost a fob, we need to know about it so that we can deactivate it. New door fobs are $25 and new garage door fobs are $85. The cost can be deducted from your account, in the same manner that strata fees are paid. A designated member of the Strata Council will personally deliver your new fob to your door.

For new or replacement fobs contact:

Paula Johnson
(250) 860-1411

Contact information is on the bulletin boards in the main lobby of each building.

Our strata Property Manager is your contact:
Paula Johnson
(250) 860-1411

If it’s after hours, an answering service will relay the call to Paula, who then contacts strata council.

We live in a very respectful community. Residents here socialize together, look after each others’ units when away, do pet minding and generally help to keep our collective home clean and peaceful. Occasionally, there may be a conflict with a neighbour. Your elected Strata council asks that your first step in trying to resolve the complaint is a neighbour-to-neighbour discussion first. Sometimes, a new neighbour may not know about all of the strata bylaws and for example, might use a hose to wash their balcony off, not realizing that the water is flowing onto your balcony below. Please pay the neighbour a courtesy visit and kindly tell them what is happening. Another example, some new residents may not realize how the sound of walking on hard floors, while wearing shoes, can be quite loud in the unit below. Again, please approach your neighbour with a friendly request to wear slippers in their unit.

If you cannot resolve your complaint directly, after trying a neighbourly approach, you may then provide a written complaint to the Property Manager, who will forward it to the Strata Council. The written complaint must contain specifics, including dates, times and any efforts you made to try to resolve the matter.

The process that your elected Strata council must follow for handling a written complaint is spelled out in the Strata Corporation’s Bylaws as well as in the Strata Property Act of BC.

Once you have filed the written complaint, it is the property of the Strata council and a copy must be given to the offending neighbour.

The hours of use for the area are posted – 7 AM to 11 PM. For safety and security, the area is closed during the night. Guests of residents are welcome to use the activity area, keeping in mind that residents are fully responsible for their guests and their behaviour while on our property. Guests are to be accompanied by a resident when using the facilities.

If you wish exclusive use of the multi-purpose area, you may rent the area (with the exception of the pool and hot tub which are excluded for liability reasons) through the Social Committee – refer to the posting in the area’s entryway or lobby bulletin boards.

Contact the Strata Property Manager:

Paula Johnson by phone or email with your request.
(250) 860-1411

A designated Strata council member will then deliver a laminated visitor parking pass, exclusive to your unit.

Visitors who are using the Visitor parking area are limited to 21 consecutive days’ parking per four week period, unless authorized by Council for a different period of time. Visitors using the Visitor parking stalls must be visiting an Owner, Occupant or Tenant.

Dirt and plant material from house plants can go into the large garden box at the end of the row of garden boxes. That box is not rented out and is strictly for that purpose. You can also get dirt from there for your pots, if you ever need to transplant something into a bigger pot.

Your used plant pots need to be thrown into the garbage dumpsters.

The small “garbage” bin at the beginning of the row of garden boxes is for plant cuttings from the garden boxes. No garbage. No dog poop. Only plant material. Our Landscaper, Orlando, empties it.


Yes! Please do. Owners, residents, tenants are most welcome to observe any council meeting. Send an email to our PM advising that you would like to observe and make sure you include the date of the meeting you want to attend, if you wish to speak to an issue on the agenda, please send an email request to our Strata Property Manager at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

The President of council will recognize your right to speak to the issue you identified.

Any in camera discussions are confidential to the council only and you will be excused from that portion of the meeting.

Interested in joining the council? Want to become an unofficial volunteer? Email us at: volunteer@mct-residents.com.

Garden planter boxes are very limited. A notice will be posted in the early Spring, about availability and when you can submit your name. The boxes are allotted on a FCFS basis, but keep in mind that several of them are already assigned on a legacy basis to original owners. The boxes are $15 to rent for the season, and you are required to sign a brief contract with the Corporation.

Strata council meets at least monthly. The date for the next meeting can be found at the end of the minutes of the last council meeting.

Yes. Rentals are permitted in accordance with the Strata Property Act of BC and the Corporation Bylaws. Your tenant must complete a Form K, to verify name, phone # and that they have received and read the bylaws.

Contact the Strata Property Manager to register your tenant and for the Form K. As the owner, you are responsible for your tenant's conduct while livng here.

On very rare occasions, extra storage lockers are available. Please contact the Strata Property Manager with a written request. Your request will be forwarded to the designated council member, and your name will be added to the waiting list.

Windows are common property. Owners are not permitted to make any alterations to common property.

Change to flooring should require an Alteration Application to ensure that proper sound proofing underlay is installed.


That would be great. You can contact the Social Committee chairperson Ross at 250 764 0700.

We host a Happy Hour twice a month, a variety of games on weeknights and aerobic swimming classes in the mornings.

Social events are posted on the bulletin boards and elevators in both buildings. In addition, we have an events calendar on this website that lists all events that are happening in our Mission Creek Towers community.

If you wish exclusive use of the multi-purpose area for a private function, you may rent the area (with the exception of the pool and hot tub which are excluded for liability reasons) through the Social Committee – refer to the posting in the area’s entryway or lobby bulletin boards.

The cost of rental is $25 plus a $100 damage deposit payable in cash.

Garbage / Recycling

Recycling rules are governed by the Central Okanagan Regional District (CORD)..

The items that can be recycled now are too numerous to list here. Suffice to say: DO NOT put in any styrofoam, plastic bags of any kind, no plastic overwrap, NO non-refundable, glass jars or bottles.

Please familiarize yourself with what can be recycled by referring to the CORD website listed here. Keep everything loose: please do not put a bag of recycling in the dumpster.

Our Strata Corporation can be fined for items that are not permitted.

No Electronics. No hard plastic toys or clothing. Donate what you can to charity.

MANY of the items that are not allowed in the recycling bin can be taken to nearby recycling depots that are listed on the CORD website.

Volunteer residents sweep the dumpster enclosures so please help us to keep the areas clean.

Each of our buildings has a "recycling station" for refundables, milk cartons, glass jars, light bulbs and batteries. They are located in the underground parking garage of both Durnin and Underhill buildings. Our housekeeping staff collects these items from those individual bins, for proper recycling at the depot.

Please familiarize yourself with what can be recycled by referring to the CORD website listed here. Central Okanagan Regional District (CORD).